Ainsley Burton

Ainsley Burton

Personal Coach

Personal Coach - Selwyn Sports Centre


Ainsley Burton

Hello, I am Ainsley.

Health, fitness, and wellbeing have been significant aspects of my life, involving participation in various sports at a representative level from a young age to still finding enjoyment in movement every day. I still love to get out on the water either sailing, paddle boarding or getting into the mountains or bush for hikes or biking. Being outdoors is important to me.

My passion is to support others to find their movement that they enjoy and that feels good for them. After coaching sports and other activities for many years – helping and supporting others has always felt natural. 

I trained as a personal trainer and started my business RejuvenateYou and continued my training and education in functional and holistic health - Focusing on the whole person. I now support clients in improving their health, fitness and overall wellbeing by teaching them to understand how they cansupport their own body and be responsible for their own health. 

 After my cancer diagnosis in 2020, movement/exercise became even more important to me for my mind body and soul. I believe being physically fit before and continuing to exercise since has supported my healing body. I feel stronger with each year. 

​I am excited to help others who are living with cancer to enjoy the benefits of exercise and to hopefully have great outcomes!